A male sexual enhancement formula backed by a
No B.S. straight-talking "put your money where your mouth is"
money-back guarantee!
Look at the exciting clinical results achieved by our
100% natural, doctor-recommended formula:
- 58.97% increase Ability to Penetrate Partner
- 62.82% Increase in the Ability to Maintain an Erection
- 61% Increase in Sexual Desire
- 71.43% Increase in Sexual Satisfaction
Dear friend,
DO NOT have sex until you read this message.
This will be the most important message you read, if you’re suffering with erection issues
Here’s why:
Erection problems plague more than 30,000,000 men, in the USA. In fact, according to the Cleveland Clinic, 1-in-10 males suffer from erection problems… long term.
It’s scary stuff.
And the problems are getting worse.
Because, by the time a man hits age 40… his chances of wrestling with erection issues skyrockets to 40%... sometimes happening overnight, without warning.
But that’s the bad news...
The good news?
You’re about to see how VigRX Plus can help improve your erection quality. It can increase your libido, boost your sexual performance, and revolutionize your sex life.
In fact, you can try VigRX Plus risk-free...
… because this proven formula comes with a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee.
There are a lot of copycats out there, but this is the real deal and the results speak for themselves.
-Calvin R
I started to feel good and my mood improved and the best thing is I got my morning bars back.
-Akram H
I can get a very strong erection... for as long as I desire!
-Marco Gonzalez, Minnesota
Clinically Proven to Increase Erection
Firmness, Libido & Sexual Satisfaction
In a clinical study, 75 men (ages 25 to 50) suffering with erection difficulties took either VigRX Plus, or a placebo, for 84 days.
The results?

The placebo group saw no significant change
- Droopy erections…
- Weak libidos…
- Trouble staying hard during sex…
The same-old-same-old.
Feeling crushed by the intense pressure to perform…
Worried about not getting fully hard…
Burdened with the agonizing humiliation of failing sexually.
The point is: These men had trouble getting it up… keeping it hard… and satisfying their partner sexually in the bedroom.

But what about the men given VigRX Plus?
The difference was night-and-day.
- Harder erections…
- Longer lasting erections…
- Higher sex drive…
Better sex…
And the best part?
These results were achieved naturally… without any side effects… because the VigRX Plus formula is 100% natural.
Here’s an in-depth look at the fascinating clinical results:
- 58.97% increase Ability to Penetrate Partner
- 62.82% Increase in the Ability to Maintain an Erection
- 61% Increase in Overall Sexual Desire
- 71.43% Increase in Sexual Satisfaction
Unlike other supplements, the VigRX Plus formula was put to the test… and won big time for men suffering with erection issues.
Endorsed by Sexual Health Expert
Dr. Steven Lamm
Dr. Steven Lamm is a board-certified doctor with over 43 years experience. He’s appeared on The View, in The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times - guest-starring as a men’s sexual health expert.
Dr Steven Lamm put his name behind this formula because he believes VigRX can help men improve sexual function.
As the Director of NYU’s Center for Men’s Health, he’s obligated to tell the truth.
And that’s another reason why you can trust VigRX Plus for getting your sex life back on track.
The Rock-Solid Science Behind
Producing “All-Night-Long” Erections
Achieving a partner-pleasing erection is both mental and physical.
Physical, because blood flow produces firm erections. A lack of blood flow produces weak, unsatisfactory erections.
The, “Physical Key Secret” for rock-hard erections is more blood flow.
That’s why the VigRX formula works with your body (triggering Nitric Oxide production) unleashing the floodgates blood flow - for harder, longer-lasting erections.
But don’t forget, achieving rock-solid erections is mental, too.
Your state of mind drastically affects erection quality.
Feeling stressed out? Worried? Anxious?
These negative emotions diminish erection strength. That’s why the “Mental Key Secret” for achieving erections of steel is reducing stress and boosting sex drive.
Which is why the VigRX formula helps relieve stress while simultaneously firing-up your sex drive, so you can produce firmer, thicker, massive-looking erections.

Harder… stronger... thicker erections
easier and faster than before
This is the best pill ever!!
I love it!!
-Alphonso B
All around strength, stamina and energy & wife agrees sex is better.
-Charles K
I bought VigRX because I wanted a stronger erection. Oh and did it deliver!
-Brennan D
The strength of my erections improved.
-David B
It works like it says erection on demand. Great product.

Imagine achieving rock-solid erections
- FAST - without worrying about staying hard.
Imagine the shock and awe expression on your partners face when you quickly produce a fully engorged erection. Throbbing, pulsating with vigor - no matter your age.
As mentioned above, blood flow is key for achieving rock solid erections.
And Nitric Oxide is like a “sex messenger” sending signals releasing blood flow into your member.
When Nitric Oxide levels are low… blood flow is poor… and erections tend to be weaker, softer and less satisfying.
VigRX Plus is a blend of sexually stimulating extracts designed to increase Nitric Oxide levels. This helps drastically bolster blood flow, resulting in harder, stronger, thicker erections (achieved easier and faster than before).
Supercharging Your Sex Drive
I have only been taking for a few weeks but I can tell the difference with the staying power and pleasure.
-Donald O
The first time I tried VigRX was the best sex In over several years.
-Edward D
I feel hornier than a teenager!
-Richard Mahon, New York, NY
A poor sex drive is not normal.
Sure, as men, we’re not always in the mood, ALL the time (well, most of us).
We get tired…
Our minds race…
Life gets stressful…
But besides those moments… lacking the desire to have sex (one of life’s most fun, exciting, pleasurable and satisfying events) can feel soul-crushing.
Men with libido problems suffer serious head trash.
The guilt.
The shame.
The fear of ruining a great relationship.
The fear of serious health issues.
It’s an emotional roller-coaster and it’s not fun.

That’s why VigRX Plus is a real game changer for men with libido issues.
By supplementing with this doctor-recommended formula daily, you could expect to:

VigRX Plus is like an all-natural libido supercharger.
Combined with powerful nutrients designed to quickly
crank-up your sex drive.
VigRX Plus Works. Ask Our Fans
100% Natural Formula with
No Reported Side-Effects
VigRX Plus is all-natural.
In fact, this doctor-recommended formula ran in a clinical study… reporting zero side effects.
VigRx Plus is not a single-ingredient formula.
We’ve combined 10 sexual stimulating nutrients together… plus added BioPerine (a nutritional absorption enhancer) which “supercharges'' the benefits of each nutrient.
This powerful formula is designed to help drastically increase erection hardness… boost sex drive and improve sexual performance.
Unlike other companies, we don’t hide our formula. We’re proud of it. This sexual powerhouse has helped men around the world (selling over 1.2 million boxes since 2007).

You should take one pill in the morning and one pill at night. Try to take the pills at about the same time each day if possible. You do not need to take them with food unless you have a sensitive stomach.
Results in just 2 weeks
From day one I felt instant results...
all I can say is wow it works
-Glen F
I have noticed more fullness and I feel pulsations of blood flow.
-James C
I now feel more confident, passionate and sexier.
-Jean K
I started noticing results after only 2 days and it's gotten better and better.
-Douglas D
I’ve been using this product for a week now and have seen
a significant increase in my libido. Also I can maintain an erection
for much longer than previously!
-Joshua Spine, Florida
Results will be different for everyone… but you could start noticing a difference in your libido and erection quality in 2 weeks.
But remember, you must take VigRX Plus daily to see these results.
So if you’re serious about improving your erection quality, take VigRX Plus every day.
You could begin enjoying these amazing sexual enhancing benefits in just weeks.
With no:
- Prescription
- Doctor Visits
- Side Effects
- Jitters

- Stimulants
- Needles
- Chemicals
- "Waiting"
Improving Sexual Performance
At Any Age!
My erections are frequent and firmer... At the age of 79 I feel
more like 49!
-Lou P
I am 46 and in just three weeks usage my sex drive is at an all time high…
I feel 21 again!
-Gregory Grove, Michigan
I am 70 years old and my erections are like a 30 year old!
-Norris Peterson, Minnesota
VigRX Plus has virtually helped men of every age achieve harder erections.
Because no matter your age, erections strength boils down to blood flow.
Increase blood flow… increase erection quality… have more fun in the bedroom.
Hot… Fun… Spontaneous Sex
Whenever the Mood Strikes
It really shown results for me after having its dosage for 2 weeks.
-Muzammil A
Wife agrees sex is better...
I am pleased with results
-Charles K
Sex has improved 10X.
I’ve gained way more confidence and sex has definitely improved.
My erection is twice as hard.
-Jason Quinones, Florida
Helped my husband’s Ed problem
Works very well, wife is very happy.
Get hard… stay hard… and enjoy sex again.
Start producing faster, harder, “ready-to-go” erections in the blink of an eye… that last all-night-long.
And don’t be surprised when your soldier is still standing at attention… after round two!
You’re going to love VigRX Plus.
And your partner will too.
Try it risk-free today!

100% Customer Satisfaction
Money-Back Guarantee
A must buy supplement!
-Brennan D
This is the best pill ever!!!
-Alphonso B
The best enhancer
I have tried.
-Greg Haywood, Florida
It’s your turn to try this amazing sexual enhancer.
The best part is you got nothing to lose.
Because VigRX Plus is backed by a 100% customer satisfaction, money-back guarantee.
Try VigRX Plus for yourself from the comfort of your home.
If you’re not happy, simply send back the boxes within 67 days for a full refund, minus shipping costs… no fuss… no hassle… no questions asked.
But when you’re delivering rock-hard, partner-pleasing erections… whenever you want… you’ll be happy with your decision to try VigRX Plus today.
It’s risk-free.
Ordering is easy.
Simply scroll to the top of this page and select your package now.
Good luck!