Magnesium is a mineral that’s abundantly found in the human body and plays a vital role in many biological processes. It’s involved in over 300 different reactions, including those related to energy production, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. Did you know that magnesium can also affect your sperm production?
Recent studies have shown that there is a correlation between magnesium levels and male fertility. Normal magnesium sperm volume is absolutely essential for healthy sperm function. Without magnesium, sperm volume can diminish and sperm may become sluggish and unable to swim toward the egg.
In this post, we’ll discuss the role of magnesium in sperm volume and production, and how you can ensure you’re getting enough of this vital mineral. We’ll also explore the best vitamins and supplements to boost sperm volume.
What this article covers:
- The Effects of Magnesium on Sperm Count
- How to Increase Magnesium Levels for Fertility
- The Best Vitamins to Boost Sperm Count & Semen Volume
- The Best Supplements to Boost Semen Volume
The Effects of Magnesium on Sperm Count
Magnesium has been known to affect female fertility, with infertile women having low levels of magnesium in their blood. In one study, women who were given magnesium and selenium supplements all became pregnant within 8 months. Does magnesium sperm volume have an effect on male fertility too? Let’s find out.
Researchers have conducted several studies exploring the link between magnesium and sperm count. They found the following correlations between magnesium and sperm count.
Motility, Count, and Morphology
Magnesium helps in cleaning motility inhibitory factors from spermatozoa, which reduces the level of sluggish sperm motility. This allows the sperm to swim better and faster, resulting in increased fertility.
Higher levels of magnesium can lead to an increase in total sperm count. Men with elevated levels of magnesium saw a notable spike in both total sperm count and total motile sperm count.
Magnesium also affects sperm morphology, which is the shape and size of spermatozoa. Men with lower levels of magnesium have fewer normally shaped sperm than men with higher levels of this mineral.
Magnesium has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These help to improve male fertility by preventing oxidative stress and the formation of free radicals. Free radicals damage the sperm cells, resulting in low motility and poor morphology.
Antioxidants also preserve the DNA integrity of sperm, which helps in improving fertilization rates, embryo quality, and preimplantation development.
In vivo, magnesium increases sperm production by 80% and induces spermatogenesis in infertile rats. This suggests that magnesium can help to enhance sperm production and restore fertility in infertile men.
Hormonal Regulation
Magnesium boosts testosterone and anabolic hormonal status in older men. It also improves follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels, which are essential for spermatogenesis and male fertility.
ATP Production
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency in the body. Magnesium helps to stimulate and regulate ATP production, which is essential for sperm motility, movement, and metabolic activities.
How to Increase Magnesium Levels for Fertility
Magnesium deficiency is commonly found in people who predominantly take a Western diet. Low levels of magnesium can affect your body’s uptake of other essential nutrients such as Vitamin D.
If you’re trying to conceive, it’s important to ensure that your magnesium levels are normal for optimal fertility. To do this, you should focus on getting enough of this essential mineral from your diet.
Good sources of magnesium that can help increase semen volume include dark leafy greens, whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, bananas, and avocados. You can also take magnesium supplements to fill in the gap for any nutritional deficiencies.
The Best Vitamins to Boost Sperm Count & Semen Volume
Aside from a magnesium deficiency, having a deficiency in vitamins can also impact sperm production. What vitamins increase seminal fluid? Below are some of the most important vitamins to take for male fertility.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts many sperm parameters. These include sperm count and morphology. It helps to protect sperm from DNA damage caused by free radicals and significantly improves sperm concentration, progressive motility, and total motile sperm count.
You can increase your vitamin C intake by eating more citrus fruits, berries, bell peppers, and dark leafy greens. Include these fruits and vegetables in your food, juices, and smoothies daily.
One study found that vitamin C supplementation has tremendous effects on male fertility. Participants took 1000mg of vitamin C supplements twice a day for two months. The results? A 92% increase in sperm motility, a more than 100% increase in sperm count, and a 55% decrease in deformed sperm cells.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce oxidative stress and protect sperm cells from damage by free radicals. Administration of Vitamin E supplements is associated with a higher live-birth rate and better results in IVF parameters.
Does vitamin E increase sperm count? Yes, it does. It increases sperm count, motility, and morphology in infertile men. You can also take vitamin E for sperm volume if you want to increase your semen production.
Good sources of this nutrient include avocados, wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seeds, and spinach.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a key role in the development of healthy sperm cells. High-dose Vitamin D supplementation can significantly increase total sperm count and motility after just three months of treatment.
Vitamin D is readily available in many food sources, such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified products. Sun exposure is another great way to get Vitamin D naturally. Your doctor might prescribe vitamin D supplements if you have a deficiency.
Vitamin B-12
This pro-metabolic vitamin is vital for spermatogenesis and sperm DNA synthesis. Low vitamin B-12 levels can lead to poor semen quality, decreased sperm motility and reduced fertility. Research shows that taking vitamin B-12 supplements has a similar effect to taking antioxidant supplements in boosting healthy sperm.
You can get your daily dose of Vitamin B-12 through animal products like eggs, cheese, shellfish, and organ meats.
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that helps to protect sperm from free radical damage. CoQ10 is naturally found in seminal fluid. Higher concentrations of this enzyme in the seminal fluid are associated with improved motility and high sperm count.
Studies have shown that taking CoQ10 supplements can significantly improve semen quality and increase sperm motility. This nutrient is naturally found in foods like organ meats, sardines, mackerel, nuts, eggs, and spinach.
The role of vitamins in male fertility is undeniable. If you’re trying to conceive, make sure to get adequate amounts of these essential vitamins and minerals from your diet or in supplement form. Also, make sure that you hydrate. Does water increase sperm? Semen production, like all other bodily fluids, depends on your water intake. The more water you take, the more semen you produce.
The Best Supplements to Boost Semen Volume
Taking supplements is one of the best ways to improve semen volume in males. If you’re looking for pills that make you cum more, Semenax pills are a semen-boosting formula made with a powerful blend of natural ingredients including amino acids, plant extracts and minerals. This supplement is designed to increase sperm production and boost sperm volume by 20%. Here are some of the best supplements you can take to increase your semen production:
Zinc is an essential mineral required for normal sperm production. This mineral helps to reduce oxidative damage to sperm cells and is linked to higher semen quality.
How much zinc to increase sperm volume? Studies show that taking zinc supplements can significantly increase sperm count and motility in men with low levels of this nutrient.
Foods high in Zinc include oysters, beef, chicken, cashews, lentils and pumpkin seeds. Do oysters increase sperm count? Oysters are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamin B-12, and vitamin D. Research shows that eating these shellfish can help to increase sperm production and motility.
L-arginine is an amino acid that helps to improve blood circulation throughout the body, including your reproductive organs. This amino acid plays an essential role in spermatogenesis.
One study found that taking 1000mg of L-Arginine daily for 5 months increased sperm count, active motility, and ejaculate volume. Additionally, there was a significant reduction in non-motile and abnormally shaped sperm.
Another study on male bars showed that L-Arginine supplementation resulted in reduced heat stress and improved semen quality and libido.
D-aspartic acid (DAA)
DAA is the best supplement if you suspect that your low semen volume is caused by decreased testosterone levels. It’s an amino acid that’s present in your testicles, certain glands, and sperm cells.
DAA helps to boost testosterone, a hormone that plays a central role in spermatogenesis. infertile men have significantly lower DAA levels compared to fertile ones.
One study suggests that taking DAA 2.7 for 3 months led to:
- Increased number of pregnancies among partners
- 30-60% increase in testosterone levels
- 60-100% increase in sperm count and motility
However, it has little effect on men with normal to high testosterone levels.
Fenugreek is a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to help treat infertility in men. It contains compounds that act as an aphrodisiac and stimulate libido and sexual performance.
Studies have shown that supplementing with fenugreek extract can increase serum testosterone levels, improve semen quality, reduce oxidative stress and help maintain a healthy reproductive system.

Magnesium has a significant effect on sperm production in men. It plays an essential role in the production of healthy sperm and DNA synthesis. This mineral is important for male fertility, as low levels can lead to reduced sperm count, poor motility, and decreased fertility.
What foods increase seminal fluid? The best way to get adequate amounts of magnesium is through a balanced diet rich in legumes, nuts, dark leafy greens, and whole grains. If you’re not getting enough of this mineral from your diet, consider taking a supplement to ensure you get enough for optimal fertility.
In addition to magnesium, other essential vitamins like B12, CoQ10, L-arginine, DAA, and fenugreek can help boost sperm production and improve semen quality. Taking these supplements in combination with a balanced diet can help you achieve optimal male fertility. Remember to consult your doctor before taking any supplements, as some of them may interact with other medications.
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