You may be in good physical shape and enjoying a great sex life, but if you and your partner are trying to conceive, your fertility becomes a very relevant issue.
That means you need to have good sperm quality, and you’ll also want some natural solutions for how to increase sperm count.
Fortunately, there are many ways you can achieve this, and we list them all here. We also cover all the facts you need about male fertility, and why some men may be in need of a little boost.
So, keep reading to find all the answers you need about male fertility and how to increase sperm count.
What this article covers:
- Male Fertility: The Facts
- The Causes of a Low Sperm Count
- Possible Medical Reasons for a Low Sperm Count
- The Environmental and Lifestyle Causes of a Low Sperm Count
- How Can You Produce More Sperm?
- The Best Way to Increase Your Sperm Count Naturally
Male Fertility: The Facts
Sperm health depends largely on the following three factors:
Sperm Count
There are millions of sperm in men’s semen, and you’d think that with so much sperm, no man would have a problem with their fertility. The fact is, most of those little swimmers don’t make it to the female’s egg cell for fertilization to take place. That’s why there are so many, to increase the odds.
In a single load, you need at least 15 million sperm per milliliter to ensure pregnancy and, even then, it’s not a given. So anything that increases your sperm count, is going to be helpful when trying to conceive.
So, how long does it take sperm to mature? It takes 50-60 days for sperm to develop in your testicles. Thereafter, they move to the ducts behind your testicles where they are stored. Here, they take a further 14 days to fully mature.
So, any measures you take to increase your sperm count can show results in a relatively short space of time. How much sperm is produced in 24 hours in ml can differ widely, depending on factors we’ll discuss in a moment, but the average man produces about 290 million sperm cells in a day!
Of course, sperm quantity isn’t the only factor, because sperm need to be good swimmers, too.
Sperm Motility
Your sperm needs to swim up through your partner’s cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes, to get to that egg cell. In the race to fertilization, the fastest swimmers win the prize, and that means conception is dependent on their movement or motility.
Unfortunately, this also means that the less active movement of your sperm, the fewer chances you have to conceive. The minimum for pregnancy is usually 40% motility. Although it’s not impossible to impregnate your partner with less motility than this, it’s considered the threshold for conception.
While motility isn’t necessarily the biggest factor in fertility, it still plays a vital role. Naturally, the more sperm you have, the higher the chance you have of reaching this motility threshold. So solving the first issue can address the second, through sheer numbers.
Sperm Quality
Last, but not least, we have sperm quality. This refers to the structure of your sperm. Also called sperm morphology. Your sperm have oval heads and long tails, and these work together to propel them to the egg cell. They’re designed for their task, and most of the time, they do it well.
However, just as your sperm count can be affected by various factors, so too can your sperm cell structure. The structure of your sperm isn’t as decisive a factor as the first two, but all three factors in tandem can have a negative impact.
For example, a high sperm count, with good sperm motility and quality, will provide you with the best chance for pregnancy. Conversely, a low sperm count, with the sperm you have suffering from poor motility and abnormal morphology, will greatly reduce your odds of pregnancy.
The Causes of a Low Sperm Count
Of the three factors noted above, sperm count is most important for couples trying to conceive, but why do some men have a low sperm count? Is there anything to be done about it?
Before we get to the ways you can improve your sperm count, we need to look at the possible reasons yours may be low.
There are three main categories of low sperm count causes. They are medical reasons, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits. Medical reasons are the more serious causes, but they are often treatable.

Possible Medical Reasons for a Low Sperm Count
Some of the more serious medical causes for a low sperm count are:
- Varicocele – This is a swelling of the veins that drain your testicles ( a common but reversible cause of male infertility)
- Ejaculation problems – This issue can be caused by injury, chronic illness, or blood pressure medications.
- Infections – Especially sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
- Immune system irregularities or hormone imbalances – whether caused by illness or medications.
- Undescended testicles – A common birth defect in baby boys, usually fixed in infancy. If it wasn’t treated in your childhood, it can sometimes be fixed in adulthood too.
- Sperm tube defects or blockages – This is usually treatable.
- Tumors in the male reproductive system – Treatment for tumors may reduce fertility.
- Chromosomal defects- Due to genetic illnesses, fertility may be more difficult to treat.
- Chemotherapy – radiation, and chemotherapy for cancer can reduce your sperm count and affect the quality of your sperm.
If you have any of the medical issues described above, you may struggle to conceive. However, there’s still hope for establishing a pregnancy. You would need to discuss your condition with a fertility specialist, for the best advice.
In the absence of these medical issues, some men still suffer from a low sperm count. When this is the case, the cause can often be attributed to environmental or lifestyle factors.
The Environmental and Lifestyle Causes of a Low Sperm Count
When medical reasons are ruled out, the likely reasons for your low sperm count will be either environmental, lifestyle, or possibly both. Let’s take a look at what constitutes environmental causes, and lifestyle causes, of low sperm count.
Environmental Factors
The main environmental factors that can influence your sperm count are prolonged exposure to heavy metals and industrial chemicals. This may be a consequence of your work environment. Excessive bouts of radiation can also reduce sperm count for years, sometimes even permanently.
Do you work in the petrochemicals industry or any facility that entails exposure to chemicals or radiation? You may very likely struggle with reproductive issues and other health conditions. Remember to discuss your working conditions with your healthcare provider.
While most industries take every precaution to safeguard their workers with protective gear, this isn’t always foolproof. If you have concerns about the effect of your working environment while trying to conceive, speak to your supervisor. Ask if any research has been done into the effect on male health.
Lifestyle Factors
Lifestyle factors are the most common causes of a low sperm count., and luckily, most of them are often simply addressed. However, just because they’re simple, doesn’t mean that you’ll find them easily.
However, lifestyle habits are just that: habits.
This means that, just as they were learned, these behaviors can be unlearned. All it takes is some motivation and determination on your part, and you’ll soon reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. So, what are the lifestyle factors that influence your sperm count?
Take a look at the following list. Are you engaging in any of the following behaviors? If yes, you need to eliminate or significantly reduce them to maintain a good sperm count.
- Wearing tight underwear and trousers regularly. Sperm quantity and motility are reduced in excessive heat. Tight, restrictive clothing around your testicles will cause this area to become too hot for optimal sperm health.
- Obesity can affect your sperm count and fertility in two ways. Firstly, like with our point about tight clothing, the insulation of excess body fat may raise your scrotal temperature. Secondly, excess fatty tissue converts your testosterone to estrogen, a big no-no for sperm count and fertility.
- Anabolic steroids are used for muscle gain in bodybuilding and sports. If you’re trying to conceive, stop taking this immediately, but don’t worry, it’s usually possible to increase sperm count after steroids.
- Sitting for long periods, such as at a desk, or driving long-distance, for work. This restricts blood flow to your reproductive organs and increases your scrotal temperature as mentioned above.
- Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. They’ve been proven to negatively impact male sexual functioning as well as fertility. They’re bad for your general health, too. Steer clear!
- High levels of stress and anxiety, or depression. Stress is known to interfere with testosterone levels, and that will always be bad news for male sexual health and reproduction. Stress is also a leading contributor to cardiac issues and chronic medical conditions.
How Can You Produce More Sperm?
Consult Your Doctor
Take another look at the medical causes of infertility/low sperm count described above. Do you fall into one of those categories? Do you have a serious medical condition, or take high-schedule medication?
If you’re unsure how your medical issue may affect your fertility, consult your doctor. They’ll refer you to a fertility specialist for further evaluation and testing. A medical condition doesn’t have to mean that you won’t father a child.
Many men have gone on to father children, despite serious medical conditions, but most medical issues require medication, so you’ll need to discuss your baby-making plans with your doctor. They may be able to change your medication to one that’s better suited for you while trying to start a family.
Re-evaluate Your Occupational Environment
While it may not be easy, or feasible for you to change your occupational environment, it’s something to consider. Are you exposed to elements in the course of your work that affect your fertility? You can be assured they are affecting your health in other ways, too.
If your priority is to create a family with your partner, you may need to rethink how you earn a living. Talk to a life coach, therapist, or counselor if you’re struggling with this issue. You may get a fresh perspective on the situation.
A change of duties and workstation for a while is one answer. You could ask for a transfer to another department, or take a leave of absence while trying to start a family. However, this may not be appropriate for your situation. So discuss all your options, and you should be able to find a solution.

Change Your Lifestyle Habits
This is the easiest one of all, and yet many men struggle with this just as much. It can be hard to change your habits, even when you know they’re harming you.
As with the environmental setting of your workplace, if it’s harming your sperm, it’s harming the rest of you, too. So for a normal amount of sperm production, adapt your lifestyle habits and cut out the unhealthy patterns that cause you harm.
Excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco use are always going to affect your health negatively, and not just your fertility. You’ll be at greater risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic medical conditions. That will necessitate medication, and this too can affect your sperm count. It’s a vicious cycle.
Eat Healthily
Eating healthily is yet another way to increase your sperm count, naturally, and easily. Many foods boost sperm production and volume. Lean beef, oysters, pumpkin seeds, spinach, sunflower seeds, and almonds are all rich in essential nutrients that boost sexual performance and fertility.
Try to incorporate these into your diet. Eating healthy food is always preferable to taking a supplement for your vitamin and mineral requirements. If you’re unable to change your diet or dislike these foods, take a good supplement, but don’t underestimate the power of a healthy, clean diet.
Certain supplements have also been proven successful in increasing your semen volume, sperm count, and reproductive health. Zinc, Vitamins C and E, as well as folate, are all top supplements for male reproductive health, and these are the reasons why:
Zinc is one of the most important minerals for male health. When you eat foods that contain zinc, like oysters or take a zinc supplement., you will enjoy several benefits for your sexual enjoyment and fertility.
Zinc boosts testosterone levels, and aids erections, but that’s not all. Zinc also improves the quality of your sperm DNA.
If you take only one supplement for your male health. Let it be zinc.
This is especially beneficial for mature men, as sperm quality can degrade with age. Wondering how long men produce sperm? Most men will continue to produce sperm for their entire lives, although their sperm quantity, quality, and motility may decrease significantly.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C isn’t just useful for warding off colds and flu. It is also essential for increasing sperm count. For best results, take vitamin C along with vitamin E. It’s a winning combo that will improve the quality of your sperm.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E will make a dramatic difference to your libido and testosterone levels. That’s excellent news for any man trying to conceive with his partner and when paired with vitamin C, you’ll improve your sperm quality, too.
Folic Acid/Folate
You may be aware that this is always recommended for pregnant women, or women trying to conceive, but did you know that it’s just as important for you, too?
A deficiency of folic acid or folate increases the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in your sperm. So make sure that both you and your partner eat foods high in folate (spinach or black-eyed peas), or take a folic acid supplement.
But if you want to know how to make sperm thicker and stronger naturally, and boost your sperm count, there’s another supplement you need to consider.
The Best Way to Increase Your Sperm Count Naturally
If you’re looking for how to increase sperm count naturally and quickly, look no further than Semenax pills. This revolutionary formula contains 18 natural ingredients (including all-important zinc) and extracts that feed and nurture your reproductive system.
Clinically Proven Formula
You’ll not only increase your semen volume and sperm count, but you’ll also improve your ejaculation control and orgasm intensity. Better sex and higher fertility, with all-natural ingredients? That’s good news, but the best news of all is that it’s clinically proven to show results in as little as 2 weeks.
By targeting the risk factors stated earlier, and taking an effective supplement like Semenax, your fertility and all-around health will greatly improve. Make the right choice for your reproductive health and sexual well-being. Get your supply of Semenax here, today.
When you’re trying to start a family, you owe it to both yourself and your partner to take care of your health. A low sperm count is more common than you may have thought. Yet, in many cases, it’s treatable and reversible.
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