Men often wait far too long to nourish prostate health. However, prostate enlargement and prostate cancer place men at considerable risk.
Poor prostate health comes with age. But the harmful symptoms and effects can be significantly minimized by acting early before problems arise. These unwanted symptoms include bladder control problems often accompanied by a fear of long-distance travel and trouble through the night with going to the bathroom.
There is no question that prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, or poor prostate health can negatively impact any man. We are here to share the biggest tips and tricks to keep your prostate in tip-top shape to curtail the chances of future prostate problems.
What Is The Prostate?
The prostate is a gland men have that is responsible for semen production. It is located just below the bladder, in front of the rectum. The prostate is wrapped around the tube that carries semen and urine, which is why prostate problems are often associated with urination and ejaculation pain.
Symptoms Of Poor Prostate Health
While prostate health is at serious risk after the age of 50, it is not always linked with prostate cancer or severe prostate enlargement. Your physician often wants you to watch for these symptoms and see how minor symptoms develop.
- Frequent and sudden urges to pee
- Painful urination and/or ejaculation
- Blood in urine or semen
- Urine dribbles
- Pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, pelvis, or upper thighs
It is essential to keep in contact with your physician to get regular tests and check-ups if your prostate is causing serious concern. It is always best to seek medical advice upon the sudden onset or increase in prostate symptoms.
Prostate Enlargement With Age
In younger adults, prostate enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is rare. Men over the age of 40 become at a higher risk, while 90% of men over the age of 80 experience moderate to severe prostate enlargement symptoms. In fact, it is so common that many medical professionals claim that all men will experience these symptoms if they live long enough.1
Prostate enlargement is when the prostate gland swells and becomes significantly more extensive, placing more pressure and causing more pain during ejaculation and urination.
We do not know precisely what causes prostate enlargement, but we know some ways to reduce the risk of early prostate problems. Following our tips will certainly improve your chances of early prostate pain and increase your quality of life as you age.
Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate
Symptoms of an enlarged prostate may differ from the symptoms of poor prostate health. Enlarged prostate symptoms develop a little further also to include:
- Difficulty to start peeing
- Weak urine flow
- A pee strain that frequently starts and stops
- Waking up in the middle of the night to pee
- Unintentionally leaking urine
- Inability to empty the bladder
These symptoms can greatly impact your comfort and overall happiness. That is why it is important to do what you can to prevent the onset of an enlarged prostate when possible.
Prostate Cancer: Men At Serious Risk
Unfortunately, poor prostate health and prostate enlargement are not the only health risks men fear. According to the CDC, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men in The United States, aside from non-melanoma skin cancer.2
There is no doubt that all men are at serious risk of prostate cancer. That is why it is vital to keep an eye on your overall prostate health and do what you can to minimize this risk.
Act Now, Not Later
As with anything related to your health, you can greatly improve your chances of becoming another male statistic by preemptively acting against prostate risks. Regardless of your age and current health status, taking the proper steps can make your future self much more comfortable and healthy.
While this may seem obvious to many, some men struggle to work up the motivation to make these lifestyle changes for the future. If you follow some of these tips to improve prostate health before problems arise, you are on the right track.
You can start small, introducing one or two diet changes into your life and building up to more sturdy protection against prostate problems.
Tips To Encourage A Healthy Prostate Over Time
Scientists have been unable to pinpoint the exact cause of prostate cancer or prostate enlargement. Many scientists believe it is an unavoidable consequence of age. However, there are many tips and suggestions that can improve future comfort.
Poor prostate health is linked to a variety of factors, as well. The best thing to do is keep an eye on your prostate health by taking these steps as soon as possible.

Weight Management
Exercise is perhaps one of the most critical steps to improving overall health. Not only is weight connected to poor prostate health and enlarged prostate, but it is also linked to various other harmful health problems that may arise.
Connection Between Weight And Prostate Health
A study published in the Journal of Urology found no connection between prostate health and BMI but a notable relation between prostate health and abdominal fat.3 This means that people who are overweight are at more serious risk of developing harmful prostate symptoms.
One of the best things you can do to manage weight is to increase exercise and physical activity. Partnered with a more balanced diet, you can flush your body of harmful toxins and improve your overall well-being.
Exercise Suggestions To Improve Prostate Health
Scientific evidence suggests that a few hours a week of exercise can drastically improve prostate health in the long run.4 The general rule of thumb for prostate health is that activities that are good for your heart are good for your prostate.
1. Cardio Exercises
Cardio is the best form of exercise for your heart and prostate health. This includes running, walking, biking, and swimming. Try to fit in at least 30 minutes of cardio exercises most days of the week.
2. Weight Training
You can add in some strength training on alternating days throughout the week. Free weights or weight machines are the best strength training to start with.
3. Consistency
When it comes to exercising, the most important thing is consistency. Try to find an exercise regime that works well for you, and stick to it. Look for exercises that you enjoy so that you can commit long-term to them.
All exercise is good exercise. However, focusing on cardio and aerobic exercises can greatly improve heart and prostate health.
Exercise For Everyone
While overweight men are at a higher risk of prostate issues in the future, it is important to maintain a balanced weight. If you are overweight, target weight loss with your exercise regime. If you are currently at a healthy weight, use exercise to help keep you in the desired range.
Prostate Friendly Diet
Your diet is vital for weight management. In addition, certain foods are recommended to improve prostate health. Here is a list of foods to complement your diet for the best prostate results.
1. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, an important vitamin that can protect the prostate gland. Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, grapefruits, and oranges, can all deliver adequate amounts of vitamin C for a more functional prostate in the future.
2. More Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower, are particularly beneficial for prostate health and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Cruciferous vegetables are high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. These vegetables can also lower inflammation, which can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
3. Soybeans
Soy isoflavones called genistein and daidzein are found to collect in prostate tissue and form a protective barrier against the development of prostate cancer.5 Increasing soy consumption can improve your prostate health and aid in long-term battles against a declining prostate.
4. Drink More Tea
Both tea and coffee have actually been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer in men worldwide. Of course, everything should be done in moderation. There is some conflicting evidence on this matter, but many scientists believe that green tea can improve prostate performance and health.
5. Add More Salmon To Your Diet
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are said to be excellent for prostate health in the long term. Scientists started with a conclusion based on the fact that many populations with a high salmon diet had surprisingly low levels of prostate problems.
6. Avoid Some Risky Foods
Certain foods are associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer and poor prostate health. Some of these foods include well-done red meats, dairy, fried foods, and high-glycemic carbs (such as white rice, white flour, and refined cereals).
You can also talk with your doctor about a recommended diet unique to your daily needs and goals. These are only a few suggestions to keep in mind while trying to improve prostate health.
Increase Vitamin D Exposure
You can find vitamin D in various foods, such as cod liver oil, wild salmon, and certain species of mushrooms. Of course, you can also get your vitamin D directly from the sun! Try to increase your exposure to the sun. You can aim to get around 10 minutes of sun time without sunscreen a day.

Reduce Stress
There is not yet a clear understanding of the role stress plays in developing physical ailments, but strong evidence shows how stress can amplify the symptoms of an enlarged prostate or prostate health.
1. Adrenaline And Stress
When you are stressed, your body releases adrenaline into the body. In part, that is where the overwhelming, unpleasant feeling comes from in times of stress. The released adrenaline causes the urethra to narrow, leading to a more painful urination experience.
2. Anxiety Worsens Symptoms
Anxiety can make the symptoms of poor prostate health much more prominent. You want to keep anxiety and stress levels to avoid the worse of the pain that can be triggered.
The best thing to do is reduce unnecessary stress whenever possible. This can improve overall health and give you the mental energy to focus on making good health choices for your future.
Cut Down On Bad Habits
Certain lifestyle habits can greatly harm prostate health and other health-related problems. Here are some suggestions on improving your lifestyle for your prostate welfare.
1. Smoking
Smoking cigarettes is associated with a 40% increase in prostate cancer risk.6 The longer you smoke, the more harm you place on your prostate. Consider cutting down or quitting entirely for prostate health.
2. Drinking
While a small glass of wine may improve prostate health, excessive drinking can greatly harm your prostate. Recent studies show that alcohol increases the rate of tumor growth and the progression of prostate cancer in men.
3. Not Getting Enough Sleep
If you are one of those people that struggle to get a decent night’s sleep, you may be greatly harming your prostate. A lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, affecting your prostate’s functioning.
4. Not Drinking Enough Water
It can be challenging to stay hydrated, as recommended, with a busy work schedule or life. But hydration is key to maintaining a healthy prostate and a healthy body. Try to stick to purified water free of harmful chemicals or toxins. You may not taste the difference, but these can build up in the body and trigger prostate cancer.
Smoking and drinking can trigger a plethora of adverse health outcomes. Cutting down, or back entirely, on these habits can improve your chances of fighting large physical threats to the body.
Have More Sex
There is strong evidence that more ejaculation improves prostate health later in life.7 Some theories suggest that ejaculation clears the body of harmful toxins that may build up near the prostate. Other theories suggest that frequent ejaculation is an excellent exercise for health, which in turn can improve prostate health.
Whichever the reason, science is making it increasingly clear that cumming is very important for prostate health.
What If I’ve Lost Interest In Sex?
A declining sexual libido is a natural occurrence, like declining prostate health in men over time. However, men of all ages experience “dry spells” with low libido and little interest in sex.
This could be because of increased stress in your daily life or poor physical fitness. There are a lot of options available to improve your sexual wellness, from natural male enhancement supplements to more exercise.
We suggest you meet all nutritional needs first and address any possible hormone imbalances. This is a good starting point to return to the sexual rigor of your youth.
Supplements To Balance Nutrients
It can be difficult to meet all necessary nutritional needs. You can consider supplements that help balance these needs and give you a little physical boost. Nowadays, you can find a vitamin for virtually anything.
Consult With Your Doctor
You can talk with your doctor about your vitamin needs if you want to be thorough in your research. Blood tests can pinpoint certain deficiencies, giving you a direction to go with vitamins and diet changes.
Experiment With Multi-Purpose Vitamins
Multi-vitamins can be a comprehensive source of a wide range of different vitamins. Of course, this will have different results for everyone. However, this is an excellent first step if you are concerned about a general lack of vitamins.
Beneficial Vitamins & Minerals For Prostate Health
These are four of the most influential vitamins and minerals for your prostate health. If you want to go the route of supplements, you want to focus on some of these supplemental choices.
1. Selenium
Selenium is a trace mineral that can’t be found within the body naturally. It can, however, be found in a long list of food options like nuts and eggs. Studies show Selenium can lower serum-prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in men at risk of prostate cancer.8
Selenium is a great addition to your diet or supplementation regime, and fortunately, it is easy to find in various forms.
2. Zinc
Zinc is said to play an important role in the development and normal functioning of the prostate. Some studies suggest there may be a correlation between low levels of zinc and an increased risk of prostate problems occurring later on in life.
You can add zinc to your diet or find extra supplements to give you the needed boost.
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Researchers hypothesize that Omega-3 fatty acid is essential to prostate health. This conclusion stems from the fact that populations with a fish-heavy diet have surprisingly low rates of prostate cancer and prostate issues.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is another important vitamin that can improve prostate health and many other areas of your overall health.
Vitamin D regulates the growth of tumor cells, suggesting it has the power to reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer.
These are just a few of the most popular vitamins and minerals to consider to support long-term prostate health. The vitamins and minerals on this list can guide your body in the right direction, providing ample support for your prostate functioning.
Things To Avoid For Prostate Health
There are a lot of things that can wreak havoc on the prostate with extended consumption. Here is a summary of some foods that should be avoided while maintaining a healthy prostate.
1. Smoking And Drinking
It can’t be emphasized enough; cigarettes and alcohol do not help your prostate. In addition, they harm several other physical parts of the body that make it hard to stay healthy as you age.
2. Spicy Foods
Spicy foods are said to carry a lot of health benefits. However, spicy foods will only worsen the symptoms if you are currently suffering from prostate-related symptoms. Spicy foods act as an irritant on the prostate, making urination or ejaculation even more painful.
3. Saturated Fat
Cancer and inflammation work close together. And saturated fats cause an extreme form of inflammation. Saturated fats are unhealthy all around but should be avoided, especially for the sake of your prostate.
Note that red meats are also very high in saturated fats. A diet high in red meat should be avoided, no matter how good it tastes.
4. Processed Foods
Processed foods include convenience store foods, microwavable meals, canned foods, breakfast cereals, and other easy-to-make meals. Processed foods are full of harmful ingredients that we don’t want anywhere near our bodies, let alone affecting our prostate. Try to limit processed foods on the whole to see improvements to overall health.
These are the top things to avoid to protect your prostate or reduce symptoms from poor prostate health. Of course, there are many more. But starting with these four diet changes can make a world of difference to your health.

Preemptive Steps To Avoid Poor Prostate Health
You don’t want to wait too long to address your prostate health. While many people think arising prostate problems are unavoidable, there is still a lot you can do to reduce these chances.
You are not alone in this battle. Men all around the world are fighting the same battle. But now you can get a head start in the fight against your prostate. The best thing to do is take action now, before the onset of poor prostate health kicks in.