The question of how to effectively last longer during sexual intercourse has remained one of the biggest parts of medicine throughout its history. After all, who does not love achieving complete sexual satisfaction after each sexual encounter for themselves and their partners? Over the past couple of centuries, traditional medicine has tried to formulate a solution that would allow men to last longer in bed, including herbal medicine, alternative medicine, homeopathy, Ayurveda, and more.
Decades of advancement in modern medicine have allowed man to understand this better, and the better understanding of human physiology and biochemistry has allowed us to make unprecedented progress in this regard. Read on as we take a closer look at the science behind sexual wellness and how doctors like myself have come to a better understanding of it all.
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The Psychology of Sexual Arousal
Arguably one of the biggest factors that play a role in a person’s ability to last long during intercourse is his psychological well-being. While not directly connected to a man’s reproductive system, psychological stress and anxiety are responsible for less than optimal sexual performance in most men.
Sexual arousal is a complex symphony of human physiology and psychology. Thousands of researchers over the past centuries have tried to dissect this complicated relationship between sexual arousal and the human psyche, arriving at an ever-evolving conclusion that they are irrevocably linked to one another. Most sexual issues like decreased timing in bed, lack of intense orgasms, and softer erections can be traced back to mental stress and unresolved psychological issues.
One of the best ways to overcome psychological stress and restore yourself to peak sexual performance is engaging in mindful activities, for example, deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and more. These activities are proven to reduce psychological stress and improve sexual performance for both men and women, allowing men to last longer in bed and achieve complete sexual satisfaction.

The Role of Physical Fitness
If you are facing difficulties in bed, you can try one of the most natural ways to restore the psychological and physiological balance of your body: exercise. Sticking to a daily exercise regimen allows you to let go of your physical and mental stressors, allowing you to fully relax and release built-up negative energy in your body.
Walking or jogging in nature every day not only keeps you fit but also allows your body to restore its natural hormones, especially regulating the levels of testosterone that directly impact your libido. Exercising daily can significantly improve your sexual arousal and sexual function. There is a wealth of scientific research that proves that men who exercise regularly are much less likely to experience sexual issues as compared to men who have a sedentary lifestyle.
Exercising for just 20 minutes per day can boost your testosterone levels by up to 15 percent, allowing for a significantly improved sex drive and minimal chances of hypogonadism, which is otherwise responsible for a high percentage of sexual performance and libido issues in men of all ages.

ProSolution Plus
Amongst hundreds of tried-and-tested formulas for sexual wellness, ProSolution Plus is inarguably the best. This all-natural, physician-approved supplement is excellent for restoring male sexual health to peak performance and has helped hundreds of thousands of men with issues relating to satisfactory sexual performance, ejaculation, erection, and orgasms.
What is ProSolution Plus?
ProSolution Plus is a clinically-proven, all-natural formula composed of several herbs, minerals, and vitamins that have been designed to solve all your sexual problems in a package that is compliant with modern international standards and perfectly safe for consumption. This supplement enables you to be the best sexual version of yourself without any of the usual side effects of sexual enhancement supplements.
How Does ProSolution Plus Work?
ProSolution Plus tackles multiple fronts of human physiology and biochemistry when it enters your body. On the one hand, it boosts your sexual drive, thanks to the libido-enhancing aphrodisiacs in its proven formula. On the other hand, it increases the levels of Nitric Oxide (NO) within your blood.
Nitric Oxide is a natural vasodilator that dilates the blood vessels in your body, especially your reproductive organs. It also helps in relaxing your penile muscles, helping in greater blood flow to your penis. As erection is all about blood and hormones, enhanced blood flow allows for a more firm and sustained erection that offers you an opportunity to be at your peak sexual performance every time.
According to leading sexual medicine researchers, the production of this intrinsic chemical compound decreases in our bodies as we age, lowering by up to one-half by 40 to 50 years of age. By augmenting the production of natural Nitric Oxide in your blood, ProSolution Plus ensures that you will experience naturally longer erections and pleasurable intercourse.
Is ProSolution Plus Safe for Consumption?
Yes, ProSolution Plus is 100 percent safe for consumption, and being a natural health supplement does not require any prescription at all. The fact that all ingredients in this supplement are 100 percent natural means that you can expect zero adverse effects from the continued use of the product.
The formula for this unique sexual wellness supplement contains high-quality ingredients sourced ethically using scientifically advanced methods of extraction that retain the optimal purity, safety, and potency of each ingredient. To date, there have been no complaints from consumers regarding the safety or efficacy of this product, which is why doctors like myself do not hesitate to recommend this supplement to our patients.
Additionally, the product is made in the United States in a facility that complies with the highest standards of safety. Each box of ProSolution Plus comes with a stamped date of production and expiry, allowing customers to get a holistic view of what they get when they pay for the product.

What Dosage of ProSolution Plus Should I Take?
ProSolution Plus is meant to be taken at a dose of two tablets per day for optimal results. You can take one tablet before intercourse, which can help boost the results of the supplement intake, allowing you to have longer-lasting erections, heightened sexual arousal, intense and pleasurable orgasms, and more. Taking an extra pill right before sexual intercourse is in no way harmful to your health and instead offers a myriad of benefits.
How Long Do I Need To Take ProSolution Plus?
Like any other dietary supplement, ProSolution Plus works best when it is taken over a long period. Ideally, you should take the supplement for one to two months and expect to see the earliest results within three weeks of starting the supplement course. Since the supplement works to augment your hormonal balance, allowing it to build in your body over time is the best way to ensure optimal results.
Who is ProSolution Plus For?
ProSolution Plus is a unique supplement that offers its benefits regardless of your age. Patients that come to me with complaints of premature ejaculation, erectile issues, lack of orgasms, etc., range anywhere between 20 to 70 years of age. Many men start to experience such symptoms in their early 30s and look for ways to stop these issues in their tracks before they get any bigger.
If you find yourself facing such issues, ProSolution Plus might be for you. Even if you have not encountered any such symptoms, you can take ProSolution Plus as a preventive measure against any potential future sexual problem. The supplement is perfect for men who want to improve their sexual arousal, enhance their duration and quality of erection, and avoid potential premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse.
Why Only ProSolution Plus?
It is natural to wonder why a doctor would recommend ProSolution Plus over thousands of male enhancement supplements currently available in the market. The reason why this supplement earns my endorsement is that it is the best formula of its kind that is currently available in the sexual wellness industry.
Here is a brief overview of why you, too, should choose ProSolution Plus over anything else.
All-Natural Formula
ProSolution Plus is free from any harmful synthetic chemical compounds and is made using the highest-quality natural ingredients. No other formulation on the market delivers such a complete mix of natural ingredients in a single dosage.
All-Encompassing Solution
Unlike other pills and designer drugs in the market, ProSolution Plus does not target one sexual problem at a time. Instead, it covers a wide range of sexual issues, including decreased sexual timing, poor erections, weak orgasms, premature ejaculation, decreased sexual arousal, and more.
No Waiting
With ProSolution Plus, there is no waiting. You can expect to always remain ready for sex without having to wait for delayed-onset sexual pills and supplements to kick into action. The fact that this formulation is to be taken daily means that it has long-term benefits instead of timely advantages like the usual blue pills.
100 Percent Safe
ProSolution Plus is 100 percent safe for consumption and does not carry any risk of adverse effects for men who are unable to take sexual enhancement pills due to their pre-existing, unrelated health issues.

ProSolution Plus is a tried-and-tested, all-natural sexual enhancement supplement that allows you to perform your best in bed every day. Rather than offering a quick, temporary fix to common sexual problems like decreased timing of erections, lack of intense orgasms, premature ejaculation, lack of sexual arousal, and more, ProSolution Plus offers a sustainable, long-term solution that takes care of all your sexual issues in one fell swoop.
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