How often should a man ejaculate to be healthy? Is there a healthy norm to aspire to, and does age play a difference?
In this guide, you’ll get the answers to these important questions and so much more. We examine the facts about regular ejaculation and its effect on your health. You’ll also learn what you can do to improve your ejaculation frequency and volume, at any age.
It’s not difficult to take care of your sexual health when you have all the facts. We give you no-nonsense, factual information that you don’t need a degree to understand. So keep reading to get the lowdown about how often you should cum.
What this article covers:
- How Often Do Men Ejaculate?
- Is It Good to Ejaculate Often?
- The Mechanics of Erection and Ejaculation
- How Often Should You Ejaculate to Stay Healthy?
- How Often Should a Man Ejaculate to Be Healthy FAQs
How Often Do Men Ejaculate?
You may have wondered how many times a man can ejaculate in a day. Is there a norm for ejaculation frequency? The most relevant factor in ejaculation frequency is the refractory period. This is the recovery period after you cum, before you can get an erection again.
This refractory period lengthens with age and accounts for the differences between cum frequency in younger and older men. The average recovery time for a man before he can cum again is 30 minutes unless he is a much older man.
So, if the average man can ejaculate twice in an hour, then in a day (24 hours)| he could cum 48 times, but this is, of course, unrealistic. You’d never get any work done, for one, and your penis would end up pretty sore with that level of activity on a daily basis!
So, while it’s perfectly normal to ejaculate often, the number of times you do so on any given day will vary. How long it takes a guy to cum will differ too, from man to man. However, each time you cum the semen and sperm volume will lessen, and it’s possible to have an orgasm with little to no load.
How Often Should You Ejaculate As a Teenager?
Young men aged 18 – 25 have a refractory period of about 15 minutes, although for some lucky guys (especially teenagers it can be under 5 minutes).
As a teenager, you may also find it easier to stay hard after you cum than an older guy. We’re all different though, so there’s nothing wrong with you if you’re in this age group and take a bit longer than that before you can cum again.
Why Young Men Cum More
Young men cum more due to a shorter refractory period, or recovery time, between cumming. That’s why it’s rare for a young man to struggle with how to ejaculate quickly. The reverse is more often true. Young men are less able to control their arousal to stimuli, and they orgasm fast because of it.
However, the main reason why very young men can perform well is usually that they are in tip-top shape. They have high levels of reproductive hormones like testosterone, and their pelvic floor muscles are taut.
How Often Should a 60-Year-Old Man Ejaculate?
Senior men still get erections, ejaculate, and even have sperm in their ejaculate, but they can take hours to recover before they can ejaculate again.
By their seventies, some men have to wait as long as 20 hours, but this isn’t necessarily the case. You’ve probably heard the old maxim, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Nowhere is this truer than in the realm of sex.
Regular sex keeps the body healthy and in shape. Men who lead active sex lives and take care of their health will continue to be able to perform between the sheets. This can extend well past their so-called ‘prime’.
Why Mature Men Cum Less
Mature men cum often less than their younger counterparts because their recovery time, or refractory period, is longer. Hormone levels may decline with age, and other medical issues may have arisen that impact sexual function.
However, the main reason that older men start to have issues in the bedroom is the state of their health. Healthy lifestyle choices, exercise, and supplements can help to avoid the decline of fertility and libido that comes with age.

Is It Good to Ejaculate Often?
Of course, your first answer will probably be yes, and you’d be right, but do you know why? To answer that question, we need to look at the health implications of not cumming often.
Health Implications of Less Frequent Ejaculation
Is the desire for sexual gratification and release the driving factor in men’s obsession with ejaculation frequency? Or are there societal pressures when it comes to ejaculation and overall sexual proclivity?
Both those questions can be answered in the affirmative, but societal pressure often plays a slightly bigger role than libido. If you feel overwhelmed by media portrayals of men as ‘studs’ and worry that you don’t live up to the expectation, stop right there!
Women don’t expect you to perform several times a day, every day. They seek an emotional connection even more than a physical one. So if you’re doing it once or twice a day, that’s great. If it’s every couple of days, that’s fine too.
However, what if you’re ejaculating much less than the average, or not at all? Well, that means two things. Firstly, you’re probably not enjoying the sex life you deserve, and secondly, your health could start to suffer.
Lack Of Ejaculation Leads to an Increased Risk Of Prostate Problems
It’s been established by science that infrequent or a total lack of ejaculation can increase your risk of prostate problems, even prostate cancer. That’s a risk no man wants or needs. So, you owe it to yourself to do something about it. More about that in a moment.
Is There Such a Thing As ‘Too Much’?
Not really, no. The main thing is that you’re happy with your ability to cum and your frequency, but there are times when you may want to limit your ejaculations. For example, if you and your partner are trying to have a baby.
When you’re trying to conceive, you need your sperm count to be high. The volume of your semen isn’t necessarily an indicator of your sperm count. The less volume, the less sperm can be in it.
How Frequent Ejaculation Affects Sperm Count
Sperm only constitutes between 1 and 5 percent of semen volume, but you need millions of sperm per to ensure pregnancy. Fortunately, you produce many millions of sperm every day, but it takes 50-60 days for your sperm to develop in your testicles.
From there, your sperm is transferred to the epididymis ducts for storage and further maturation. After a further 14 days of maturation, they’re expelled in your semen when you cum.
The problem is that by ejaculating often, it takes time for you to build up a good supply of sperm in your semen again. You may want to limit your ejaculations to two to three times a week if you’re trying to start a family.
Sperm Boosting Foods
You should also eat healthy sperm-boosting foods, and take a good supplement. Vitamins B1 and C and magnesium are great for sperm production and quality.
Zinc, too, plays a role in sexual functioning and libido. Luckily, it’s not hard to find good, healthy foods that contain these nutrients.
Bananas are a good source of these nutrients. Bananas also contain a rare enzyme called Bromelain. This enzyme helps boost sperm count and motility. So eat plenty of bananas if you want to have a baby.
Some zinc-rich foods that regulate the sex hormone testosterone, are red meat, oysters and other shellfish, legumes, and hemp seeds.
The Mechanics of Erection and Ejaculation
Ejaculation can’t and won’t happen if your body doesn’t go through a series of all-important steps. Do you know what these are? Every time you get aroused, these are the steps your body must go through until you ejaculate.
Steps to Ejaculation
The mechanics of ejaculation, from arousal to recovery, are as follows:
Arousal Cues
When you’re aroused, your brain sends the signal to your hormones that tell your penis arteries to open up for increased blood flow.
This increased blood flow is what makes your penis hard, and gives you an erection. If you have issues with your hormones, arteries, or blood circulation, this will affect your ability to have or maintain an erection.
The walls of the epididymis (sperm storage ducts behind your testes) contract, creating waves that push your sperm to the vas deferens tubes in your penis.
Nerves stimulate the seminal vessels and the prostate, and semen is pushed through your urethra. The muscles of your penis ejaculate your semen (containing your sperm) when you orgasm during sex or masturbation.
Recovery – The Refractory Period
Once you’ve cum, you enter the recovery or ‘refractory period’. This means your penis will become soft again as your endocrine system releases prolactin, which decreases testosterone.
Depending on your age and the state of your health, it can take a while before you can cum again. So now that we’ve dealt with the technical stuff, let’s look at the role this plays in your health.

How Often Should You Ejaculate to Stay Healthy?
Remember the increased risk of prostate problems we mentioned? Well, the good news is, ejaculating regularly decreases that risk. And no, that doesn’t mean you need to ejaculate all day long to enjoy this health benefit. However, regular ejaculation is recommended.
That means stop worrying about the maximum you can cum, and start focusing on the minimum you should cum. So, what is this minimum? We asked the experts in male health. Here’s what they had to say:
What the Male Health Experts Say
Several studies by top medical institutions have been done on male reproductive health in recent years. It’s been established that regular ejaculation offers protection against prostate cancer.
While researchers don’t understand, as yet, why that’s the case, they have a few theories. One popular theory is that ejaculation flushes materials from the prostate that would otherwise cause inflammation, infection, and even cancer.
Whatever the reason, the statistics speak for themselves. If you want to keep healthy, you need to eat nuts more often. So, what exactly do the statistics say? How often is enough?
What The Stats Say
Research conducted by Harvard Medical school indicates that to reduce your risk of prostate problems by 31%, you should aim to ejaculate at least 21 or more times a month.
A similar Australian study noted that men who ejaculated 4.6 – 7 times a week were 36% less likely to get prostate cancer before 70 years of age, than men who ejaculated fewer than 2.3 times a week.
That goes for penetrative sex, masturbation, and even a blowjob. Your body doesn’t know the difference. If you cum, it counts!
Cum More Often And Boost Your Health
Like most men, you may be looking for a way to ejaculate longer and harder. The good news is, no matter the current state of your reproductive and sexual health, you can give it a boost.
By eating healthily, exercising, and limiting alcohol and tobacco use, you’ll improve your physical and sexual health. Staying hydrated is also essential, as most of your semen volume is made up of water.
You can even learn how to slow ejaculation by doing targeted exercises to control ejaculation speed. Kegel exercises have helped many men to improve their ejaculation speed and power.
They can even help to control premature ejaculation without medicine. These methods are all helpful for your sexual health and performance. However, there is an easier way to make a difference in your ejaculation frequency, volume, and force. The solution is supplementation.
All-Natural And Safe Supplement For Ejaculation
Supplements can help you to give your body the sexual health nutrients you are lacking in your diet. We’re not talking about those supplements for premature ejaculation or penis growth that you see on porn sites. You need to know that what you’re putting into your body is safe and effective.
The easiest way to do that is to use our Semenax pills. They are specially formulated to feed your reproductive system, increase your semen volume and sperm count and improve your orgasms.
So, what’s in Semenax? Only 18 of the best natural ingredients for men’s health, that’s what! Countless satisfied customers have not only reported results in as little as a fortnight, but also no side effects. There’s nothing to lose, and everything to gain. So give Semenax a try, today.
Regular ejaculation isn’t only a sign of a healthy sex life, but it’s also good for your general health, too. If you take action now, you’ll enjoy active sex life and all-around physical well-being until advanced age. So, do the right thing for your body, and follow the steps above to boost your health and vitality.
How Often Should a Man Ejaculate to Be Healthy FAQs
How many times can a man ejaculate in his life?
This is a very difficult figure to pinpoint, as a man’s ability to cum often will usually naturally decrease with age. However, looking after your health will ensure that you can enjoy an active sex life well into your senior years.
How many times can a man cum in a row?
The average man can ejaculate a maximum of three times in a row, but after this, the refractory period will increase and the ejaculate volume will decrease significantly. The state of your overall health will also affect your ability to ejaculate this frequently.
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