It’s no secret that some men take longer to ejaculate than others. Many of us believe this is a good thing and that the secret to good sex is learning how to ejaculate longer and harder.
But how long does it take to ejaculate? How long should it take? The answers depend on how long it takes your sperm to regenerate, a key process in producing the semen that’s required to ejaculate.
This article will explore how sperm production works to determine how long it takes the average guy to ejaculate.
We’re also going to look at how long you should last if you want to improve your game in bed and how many times a man can ejaculate in a day.
What this article covers:
- How Long Does it Take for Sperm to Regenerate?
- How Long Should Sex Last?
- How Many Times Can a Man Ejaculate in a Day?
How Long Does it Take for Sperm to Regenerate?
What Is Sperm Regeneration?
Simply put, sperm regeneration is the process through which sperm is produced. This happens all the time without your knowledge and the entire process takes about 64 days.
During sperm regeneration, your testicles are producing millions of sperm.
Right now, as you are reading this, your reproductive system is working tirelessly and producing about 1500 sperm every single second.
At the end of a cycle of sperm regeneration, you would have produced billions of sperm.
How Does Sperm Regeneration Work?
The process begins when your diploid sperm cells divide into spermatids that contain genetic data.
The sperm then matures in your testicles and evolve into spermatozoa. The sperm remains here until they reach maturity. When mature, the sperm has a head and a tail.
The sperm then travels into the epididymis, which is specifically designed to store sperm.
During this time, the sperm acquires the ability to move, also known as motility, enabling them to travel.
The mature sperm stays in this tube up until ejaculation.
How Does This Affect The Time It Takes To Ejaculate?
The process of sperm regeneration works constantly to ensure that you have fresh sperm, primed for ejaculation.
If you allow them to build up by waiting between ejaculations, you’ll have more semen to excrete and a higher sperm count.
This is because more frequent ejaculations mean you’ll start depleting your reserves. In fact, you can actually end up having dry orgasms (orgasms without semen).
However, frequent ejaculations can extend the time it takes you to cum because successive ejaculations in a short span of time make you increasingly less sensitive to sexual arousal each time.

What If You Ejaculate Too Soon?
When you receive consistent and regular sexual stimulation, you become less sensitive and learn how to not cum so quickly.
There are also some supplements for premature ejaculation, such as Semenax pills, that can help you increase the time it takes you to ejaculate.
Semenax contains a careful balance of several extracts that can help you learn how to cum later, last longer, and have stronger erections in as little as two weeks.
The perfect remedy for anyone who doesn’t know how to stop premature ejaculation or how to stay hard after you cum.
These supplements should also be used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet and exercise are important factors in maintaining male sexual health.
What If You Take Too Long To Ejaculate?
Similar to premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation can also pose an issue. In most cases, only medical professionals know how to treat delayed ejaculation.
This is because the treatment will focus on the underlying cause.
In some instances, it can be rectified with lifestyle changes but more often psychological and medical intervention is needed.
What If You Don’t Ejaculate At All?
Ejaculation is associated with reaching a climax.
As mentioned earlier, repeated or more frequent sexual activity may result in dry orgasms. In this case, a period of abstinence should ensure that you’re back on track in no time.
In rare instances, dry orgasms are a result of retrograde ejaculation. This refers to the process where semen enters the bladder instead of being ejected from the body.
There are some methods of curing retrograde ejaculation naturally, but you should see a physician if you don’t ejaculate during orgasm or after the normal amount of time leading up to orgasm has elapsed.
How Long Should Sex Last?
On average, it should take a man about 2-5 minutes to ejaculate from vaginal penetration.
Of course, this isn’t the desired length for a sexual session. Unless you’re in the mood for a quickie or pressed for time.
This is also significant when considering that women need a minimum of 11 minutes to achieve an orgasm.
So, how long should sex last? Obviously, two minutes is a bit short and this has been confirmed by research that investigated the ideal length for a sexual session.
According to the same study, the ideal length was somewhere between 7 and 13 minutes.
Another survey that asked women what their ideal length for a sexual session found that more than half of women wanted sex to last between 5 and 10 minutes and only a quarter of women wanted sex to last longer than 11 minutes,
These stats should take some of the pressure off regarding how long you should last in bed.
How Long Should Masturbation Last?
Statistics show that men cum significantly later during masturbation than with vaginal penetration. Though the numbers vary depending on the circumstances, time of day, and overall sexual activity.
During masturbation, a man can ejaculate within a minute or after 15 minutes at the maximum end of the range.
However, about half of men stated that they come within 10-15 minutes of starting masturbation (a significant increase in the average time it takes a man to ejaculate during intercourse).
How Many Times Can a Man Ejaculate in a Day?
By now you should know that frequent ejaculations might lessen your semen and sperm count but will make you last longer.
So, how many times can you ejaculate in a day before it starts to get uncomfortable?
This varies from one guy to the next, but the number is somewhere between one and five ejaculations per day.
There are also some benefits to frequent ejaculation. For example, it’s been found that ejaculating 21 times a month (that’s about 3 times a week) has been linked to lower rates of prostate cancer in men.
As a bonus, this might extend the time it takes you to cum during intercourse, meaning more pleasure for you and your partner.

The average time it takes you to ejaculate during intercourse is quite low, so you shouldn’t feel bad if you feel that you cum too quickly at times.
For most men, this is a normal part (and often a challenge) of their sexual experiences. Luckily, there are some ways to increase this time.
It’s all about finding the right balance between not ejaculating too quickly or taking too long to get there.
And on the plus side, your partner may not need that much time either, especially considering the average time it takes females to cum and how long their optimal sex session should be.
You’re pretty much in the clear if you aim to last at least 10 minutes during sex. Sounds quite doable, doesn’t it?
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