How long do men produce sperm? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as one might think.
It’s a common belief that men maintain a normal amount of sperm production until they’re in their 90s. With the world’s oldest dad having fathered his second child at 96, this belief is somewhat validated. However, it is far from reality.
Sperm production varies from man to man and can also be affected by several factors. For most men, fertility starts to decline in their late 40s, with an annual decline rate of 23% from age 39. This, coupled with other factors such as diet and the rate of sperm production during spermatogenesis can greatly impact one’s fertility.
If you’re wondering how long can men produce sperm, read on to find out. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at sperm production in men and explore some variables that can affect how long it lasts.
What this article covers:

Is There an Age Limit to Male Fertility?
Most women reach menopause at an average age of 51, whereby their bodies stop releasing eggs and become infertile. While women experience a fertility decline early, a decrease in men’s sperm characteristics occurs much later. Male sperm production isn’t as abrupt and noticeable as women’s changes in fertility. Is there evidence on how long men produce healthy sperm?
One study by the Center for Reproductive and Genetic Health in London seeking to answer this question was conducted on older men taking part in in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The study found that male fertility dramatically declines among men over the age of 51.
The study factored in nearly 5000 IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection trials. The results showed that while 61 percent of men under the age of 51 met WHO’s standard for semen quality, only 42% of men over 51 met this standard. Men over the age of 51 could fertilize an egg 30 percent of the time, while nearly half of the men under the age of 35 successfully fertilized an egg.
This study shows that, like female fertility, male fertility is greatly affected by age. Therefore, cases such as the world’s oldest father do not accurately represent how age affects male fertility.
Age-related Implications on Sperm Health
Although men never stop producing sperm, a man’s sperm normal production lasts until his late 40s or early 50s. Men over the age of 51 have a significantly lower chance of fathering a child due to decreased sperm quality. Aside from sperm quality decline, age increases the chances of the following:
- Fathering children with genetic abnormalities: The number of mutations and DNA fragmentation in your sperm increases as you age. This increases the chances of passing these mutations to your child/ren. Sperm mutations put your child at risk of developing diseases such as autism and schizophrenia.
- Hormonal changes: As men age, they experience a decrease in testosterone levels and Leydig cells, which play a vital role in spermatogenesis. These adverse effects on spermatogenesis decrease male fertility.
- Anatomic changes: Testicular size decreases with age, which can lead to erectile dysfunction and difficulty producing a healthy semen sample. Testicular volume constantly declines after the age of 60-90 years.
- Stress levels: Stress causes the release of cortisol, which affects testosterone levels and sperm production. The more you age, the more you’re exposed to stressful conditions. Chronic stress has been linked to male infertility.
- Medical conditions: The risk of developing medical conditions that affect fertility increases at an older age. Diabetes and obesity are two common conditions that increase a man’s risk of infertility. Epididymal obstructions and chronic illnesses such as sickle cell disease have also been directly linked to decreased male fertility.
- Low sperm motility: Sperm motility is the ability of sperm to swim and reach the egg. Sperms acquire their motility as they move through the prostate and the epididymis. Age leads to a decline in the function of these two glands, leading to a decrease in motility.
- Low sperm volume: Men experience a mild decrease in sperm volume as they age. This decrease in sperm volume is linked to an insufficient in seminal vesicle fluid, which is the biggest component of volume. If you suspect that low ejaculate volume is the cause of your decreased male fertility, using a semen-boosting formula might help you regain normal sperm volume. Semenax is a semen-boosting formula that can help you increase sperm volume by 20%. This clinically proven formula is 100% natural and can help you achieve stronger orgasms in weeks.
How Long Does it Take to Produce Sperm?
Spermatogenesis is the process of sperm production, maturation, and regeneration. How long does it take to regenerate sperm? Your reproductive organs produce sperm every day. However, it takes you 64 days to complete a sperm regeneration cycle.
Spermatogenesis begins at puberty and continues until death. During this process, your testicles make millions of sperm every day. You regenerate about 8 billion sperm at the end of every spermatogenesis. This allows you to produce a healthy amount of sperm (20-150 million) per millimeter of semen during ejaculation. Let’s take a deeper look at the process of sperm production.
The Sperm Production Process
The sperm regeneration cycle takes place in these three phases:
Formation of the Sperm
The testicles play a key role in sperm and testosterone production. These three cells in the testicles help in sperm production:
- Germ cells: They produce sperm
- Sertoli cells: They provide nourishment to germ cells and foster the maturation of sperm
- Leydig cells: They produce testosterone
Sperm are formed in microscopic tubes within the testicles known as seminiferous tubes. For sperm formation to begin, your brain triggers the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone, which trigger testosterone and sperm development.
During the formation stage, sperm cells are divided into haploid spermatids, which carry genetic data.
Maturation of the Sperm
The seminiferous tubes provide the ideal environment for sperm maturation. Hormones play a key role in helping spermatids become spermatozoa during this phase. The spermatozoa stay in the testicles until they’re almost mature. What differentiates mature sperm from immature ones are their heads and tails. Mature sperm have heads and tails. The heads carry genetic material while tails help them swim through the female reproductive tract.
Regeneration of the Sperm
At the end of their transformation, sperm are released into the epididymis in batches of around 100 million. This is known as spermatocytogenesis. The epididymis is a tube-shaped structure behind each testicle and holds mature sperm until ejaculation occurs. During ejaculation, your muscles contract and push sperm into seminal vesicles, where it’s mixed with other fluids. Your sperms gain motility in the epididymis, which allows them to swim through the female reproductive tract.
How Does the Sperm Production Process Affect Male Fertility?
Sperm regeneration ensures that there’s a fresh supply of sperm for fertilizing the egg. If any of these processes is impaired, it may lead to fertility issues.
Studies have found that older men have a reduced number of germ and Sertoli cells, which can lead to fewer sperm and lower motility. This may explain why older men experience fertility issues more than younger men.
If you’re trying to conceive, your chances of successfully fertilizing an egg are higher if you haven’t ejaculated for a while. If you’re wondering how to increase sperm count, waiting several days, like 2-3 days, maximizes your sperm count for every ejaculation. Waiting can also help you if you’re looking for how to make your cum thicker.
Additionally, you’re more likely to increase your partner’s chances of conception if you wait for them to ovulate, get enough vitamin C and D in your diet, and exercise regularly.

Sperm health is determined by sperm quality, motility, and morphology. While age significantly impacts healthy sperm production, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. To ensure that your sperm are healthy, you should take care of your overall health. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help boost fertility in men of all ages. Additionally, you should avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption to keep your sperm healthy.
It’s important to remember that the sperm production process is a normal part of male reproductive health. If you have any doubts or concerns such as how to increase sperm count after steroids, consult your doctor for an evaluation and diagnosis. They can offer personalized advice on improving your fertility and increasing your chances of conception. With proper medical care, you can overcome any fertility issues you may have and achieve your goal of becoming a father.
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