So COVID-19 ravages on, and while many of us have had our vaccinations, many haven’t. If you’re a single dude, that could mean you’re not out and meeting potential dating partners. Enter the convenient world of porn and the less-than-ideal issue of porn addiction and its effect on sexual performance.
Is porn addiction real? That depends on who you ask, but some evidence suggests it’s as real[1] as an unwelcome credit card bill (read, yes, it’s real) – and it can lead to lack of desire to find a real partner when the opportunity comes up[2].
Porn is easy, and you’re never disappointed. We get that. But the danger with porn addiction is that some studies point to, shall we say, ‘raising the bar’ of sex appeal, to the point that no real sex partner can measure up to your partner on-screen.
Is Porn Addiction Even Real?
That depends who you ask. An American study done in 2017 in San Diego found that men who preferred porn to real sexual encounters were more likely to have erection problems and were less likely to be satisfied with intercourse.
Of the 312 men who took part in the study, all of whom were between 20 and 40, just 3.4% preferred masturbating to porn over having real sex. However, on the slightly concerning side, the researchers found a statistical relationship between porn addiction and erection difficulties.
Here’s why that stands out. Erection problems are common in older men. But this was a younger group, of guys between 20 and 40 years-old. While not unheard of, it’s not common for men in this demographic to have problems getting or staying hard.
The fact that younger guys who masturbate to porn had erection problems should raise a few eyebrows. A panic? No – but it does suggest you’re better off getting out and meeting real potential sex partners, or engaging more with your significant other.

Sex, Porn and the Circuitry of Your Brain
The study researchers say that internet porn hits the ‘rewards system’ of your brain. It’s this same system that lights up with cocaine and methamphetamines, both of which that can lead to self-reinforcing or recurrent behavior.
In other words, they can lead to addiction.
Internet porn in particular has shown to light up this same circuitry. That may be in part because it’s so available. It’s like an eye-candy buffet – you choose what you find attractive and self-pleasure with it. The sexier the eye candy, the higher the bar you set for what you may want potential sex partners to look like.
Also, just like narcotics, you may work up a ‘tolerance’ as you watch more porn. Watch too much of it and you may be less likely to respond to real sexual activity, or the possibility of it. And it’s that same tolerance that may explain why dudes who jerk it to porn may have sex problems without that online stimulation.
How Often Is Too Much?
The men in the study used porn at different rates. In a typical week, about 26% said they watched porn less than once a week. About 25% of the guys said they used porn once or twice weekly. Twenty-one percent said they looked at porn three to five times every seven days. The highest users, 5% of the men, used porn six to ten times weekly.
And four percent of the men did the deed to porn more than eleven times each week.
A desktop computer or smart phone was the viewing tool for most guys, at 72% and 62% respectively.
So what do we make of this? First, this is simply one study. At present, the American Psychiatric Association (ASA) does not recognize the existence of ‘porn addiction’. Because of that, there is no diagnostic guide for mental health professionals to help with its treatment.
Also, not all studies have found a link between high consumption of porn and erection problems and/or low sexual performance.
Back to the question then, of how much porn is too much? The answer may lie in your relationships and satisfaction with them. As of April of 2021 we’re still in the throngs of Covid-19. Many of us are cooped in our homes and porn is, well, it’s just so, there.
If you’ve looked at your fair of porn over the past year, you’ve got company. We all have needs.
Still, our stance is that porn should not interfere with you having both good relationships and a healthy sex life. If you feel that porn addiction is stopping you from meeting potential sex partners, or you’re less attracted to your significant other because they don’t measure up to what you see on screen, then perhaps it’s time to do something about that.
How to Tell If You’re Watching Too Much Porn
Porn can be hard to quit. It’s so convenient to find these days, and with more time at home, well, you see where we’re going with that.
Signs you may be watching too much porn[3] include:
- You’re Increasing the Amount of Time You Spend Watching Porn
- You Need a Porn ‘Fix’ Like You’re Getting ‘High’
- You Feel Guilty About Watching Porn
- You Spend Hours Watching Porn – Even If it Means Sleeping Less or Neglecting Your Responsibilities
- You Insist Your Partner Watch Porn and/Or Act Out Your Fantasies Against Their Wishes
- You Don’t Enjoy Sex Without Watching Porn First
- You Can’t Resist Porn, Even If It’s Destroying Your Life
Keep in mind that the past 12 months has been crazy, to say the least, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. If you’ve watched more porn during this time, you’ve got company.
With that said, if you prefer porn to the real thing, then it may be time for a little tough love.

How to Quit Porn
This is the scorched Earth approach to porn addiction. It’s hard to do, but if the above factors apply to you, it might be necessary.
You can switch fake sex for the real thing.
Delete Electronic Porn From Your Devices – This means all images, videos and porn-related bookmarks. Yup, it stings. But tell yourself it’s a step towards having a real sex life.
Get Rid of Your Hard Copy Porn – Those porn files you burned on DVDs gotta go too.
Have Someone Else Put Anti-Porn Software On Your Devices – Have them keep the password from you as well.
Have a Plan – Know in advance what you’ll do when the urge to view porn hits. You might hit the gym or go for a run, for example. Or, if you’re a single dude, go for a walk and potentially chat up some ladies.
Be Accountable to Someone – Have a partner who will ask about your porn habit – someone you’ll be accountable to if you fall off the wagon.
Keep a Journal – Track your setbacks, reminders and alternatives that help keep your porn addiction under control.

For Single Guys: Try Nexus Pheromones
As a single dude, a porn addiction might keep you from getting out and meeting potential dating partners. That’s a bad thing – biology gave you the tools to go out and spread your seed. While you may not want to start a family, at the very least, you’re designed to meet partners. So let’s talk about how to break out of your rut and put yourself out there.
To meet women, try Nexus Pheromones. As the name implies, it’s a pheromones cologne. Pheromones are chemical messages that announce your presence to the people around you – and women in particular.
Pheromones use smell to convey your sex appeal, and trigger a response in the ‘mating center’ of the brain. We like Nexus Pheromones in particular because it’s made with seven pheromones that are specifically linked to ‘tall, dark and handsome’.
In other words, when you spray on Nexus Pheromones, you tell women at a biochemical level that you’re an attractive mate. If you’re trying to get over a porn addiction, that’s a nice tool to have!
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For Men in Relationships: Try VigRX Plus
There is some evidence that porn addiction may inhibit sex drive, and as we’ve seen, it may lead to erection problems as well.
We don’t want that either. We would much prefer you to be happy with your current partner, but we also recognize that giving up porn cold turkey can be a challenge. Solution? Try VigRX Plus.
You may have heard of VigRX Plus. It’s one of the best-known natural virility supplements for men. It’s also one of the most effective. In a clinical study, VigRX Plus increased ability to maintain an erection by 62.82%. Overall sex drive went up by 47%, and the men who took part in the study reported an average 71.43% increase in sexual and intercourse satisfaction.
If you’re trying to reconnect with your sexual partner after a porn addiction, that’s a good thing to have.
VigRX Plus is also approved by Dr. Steven Lamm – a New York City-based doctor sometimes featured as a medical correspondent on the American TV show, The View.
Our point? We get that it’s hard to get over a porn addiction, but there’s no substitute for the real thing. If you need help, reach out. Life is too short not to go out there and connect with other people.
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