It seems like every other day you see a story online about some new ‘superfood’ for your libido or a ‘miracle herb’ that will boost your fertility. But can you trust these claims? The fact is, ordinary foods that you may already be enjoying in your diet, can hold the answer to improved sexual health and fertility.
This is good news, as modern living, unhealthy lifestyles, and pollution have led to a decline in sperm counts across the Western world. One of these often overlooked foods is nuts, particularly almonds. But just how true is it? Do almonds increase sperm count?
We looked at the evidence, and you can read all about our discovery below. We also looked at the role that other popular nuts play in your diet, and whether or not they offer the same benefits.
What this article covers:
- How Do Nuts Affect Sperm Count?
- Various Nuts Offer Sperm Health Benefits
- What Else Can You Do To Improve Your Reproductive Health?
- Are There Other Foods That Increase Sperm Count?
How Do Nuts Affect Sperm Count?
Do almonds increase sperm count? And do they offer other sexual or reproductive benefits too? To get to the answers, let’s examine some of the nutritional content of almonds.
Magnesium & Zinc
Magnesium is an essential factor in the process of sperm production and function and together with zinc, it’s involved in many enzymatic activities. They’re both found in the prostate in very high concentrations before they’re released in semen.
Zinc also helps to maintain testosterone levels. So you don’t have to take testosterone supplements for your sperm count. Just make sure you’re getting enough zinc, by eating almonds. They’re a very rich natural source of zinc.
There’s a traceable link between reduced levels of magnesium in seminal plasma and prostate gland infections. Studies have also shown that a lack of zinc and magnesium concentrations in semen can lead to infertility. Almonds contain both magnesium and zinc.
Almonds contain folate, and supplementation with folate has been shown to increase sperm count. Low concentrations of folate in the seminal fluid are also associated with sperm DNA damage. Low folate levels have also been linked to depression. So, eat some almonds to elevate your mood. It might even help you feel a little less “nuts”.
Nuts contain selenium, another friend to your fertility. Selenium improves sperm quality by protecting its structural integrity (DNA) from harmful changes due to oxidative stress. It also promotes healthy sperm motility.
That’s because selenium is also an antioxidant, but selenium improves your immune system and heart health, too. So it’s a good thing to have in your diet.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E improves sperm quality and motility and also regulates sex hormones. That’s probably why a research study has shown that eating just seven almonds daily, improves men’s sperm quality.
And Vitamin E doesn’t just affect human males this way. Studies have shown it also enhances the sperm quality of animals, like roosters. Vitamin E is found in almonds, other nuts, seeds, and certain green, leafy vegetables.
Almonds also contain the element manganese. This nutrient assists in the healthy functioning of the male reproductive organs. Manganese is necessary for the pituitary gland, where sex hormones are produced.
Manganese is essential for the healthy development and functioning of your reproductive organs. It also increases sexual energy and the mobility of sperm.
Sperm count, and sperm quality, are improved by including antioxidants in the diet. Antioxidants protect you from the harmful effects of pollution and other free radicals in the environment. When you reduce free radical damage in the body, you improve your sperm health too.
And these antioxidants are found in almonds. So, do almonds increase sperm count? Yes, they do. But almonds aren’t the only nuts that offer this bevy of sperm health benefits. Various nuts offer these benefits, especially almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts.
Various Nuts Offer Sperm Health Benefits
A study has shown that eating two handfuls of almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts daily for 14 weeks improved men’s sperm quantity and quality. This is important because there are factors that doctors look at when assessing your fertility.
These are quantity (sperm count), morphology (sperm quality, size, and shape), and motility (how well they ‘swim’). This study gave new hope to men around the world struggling with fertility issues, but what exactly did the nuts do? To explain, we need to get scientific for a moment. Grab your lab coat and read on!
The Science Behind The Study
DNA methylation is one of the mechanisms of epigenetics, the inheritable changes in your DNA (but don’t change the DNA sequence).
This research study mentioned above took place at a Spanish university. The researchers found that nuts have a profound effect on sperm DNA methylation. The methylation in 36 genomic regions linked to sperm DNA was altered by the consumption of nuts in this research study.
This meant that the nuts could potentially reverse changes that have caused infertility.

What Else Can You Do To Improve Your Reproductive Health?
About one in seven couples have difficulty when they are trying to conceive a child, and in about 40-50% of those cases, the man is the one with infertility issues. So, if you’re thinking of starting a family with your partner, you need to take good care of your reproductive health.
There are several ways to achieve this, and they don’t take much effort at all. What’s more, if you follow the advice below, you’ll improve your general physical health and improve your sexual stamina. You’ll also reduce your risk of lifestyle-related illnesses.
Healthy Living
Regular exercise, losing weight, staying hydrated, and avoiding stress all contribute to your general and reproductive health. Wait a minute. Can losing weight increase your sperm count?
Yes, it can improve your fertility if you’re overweight and lose weight. You’ll also enjoy a better sex life, so that’s plenty of reasons to start living a healthier life.
Drug abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, and heavy smoking are three big no-nos if you’re trying to start a family. Not only do they reduce your fertility, but they also lead to several chronic illnesses. If you need help quitting any of these addictive substances, talk to your doctor or a counselor.
Another lifestyle factor that can hamper your fertility is the presence of excessive heat or electromagnetic waves near your reproductive organs. Avoid sitting with your laptop straight on your lap for extended periods, and try to avoid carrying your mobile device in your hip pocket all day.
Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is a good idea for so many reasons. It improves your health on all fronts, including your reproductive health. You’ll have more energy, and that’s always a bonus between the sheets! Plus, you’ll live longer.
So, what does healthy eating entail? Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, limit unhealthy carbs, and consume good quality protein like grass-fed meats and eggs. Avoid processed foods as much as possible, and drink lots of water.
Even fruits like pineapple increase sperm count, thanks to its vitamin C content. High vitamin C levels mean an increase in sperm. That’s why fresh produce is so important in every man’s diet.
Because of all the sperm benefits listed above that are found in nuts, you’d be remiss not to include them in your diet. Almonds, especially, will increase your sperm count and quality. Sprinkle chopped nuts on a dessert, include them in some granola for breakfast, or just eat them as a post-workout snack.
Okay, we know that it’s not always possible to eat as healthily as you’d like. Modern life has caused many of us to rely on fast food, and fresh produce is not always available when you need it. To make matters worse, modern farming methods, coupled with environmental issues, can reduce the nutrients in food.
That’s where supplements come in. Supplements add what you are lacking in your diet, and are quick and easy to take. With men’s fertility on the decline, many sites offer sperm-boosting supplements that promise results but don’t deliver them.
Is there a supplement that improves sexual functioning and fertility, that works? Yes, there is, and it’s called Semenax. You can buy Semenax online, right here and you’ll see bonafide results in as little as two weeks. It’s effective, all-natural, and guaranteed to produce results.
Are There Other Foods That Increase Sperm Count?
Do almonds increase sperm count? They sure do! As you read earlier in this article, science has proven the reproductive health benefits of almonds and other nuts.
But are there any other foods that increase sperm count? Or maybe a juice to increase sperm count? Yes, other foods increase sperm count.
If you don’t want to resort to increasing sperm count medication, consider including some of these in your diet.
Nature is the best medicine. So, enjoy the very best that nature has to offer. If you want to improve your general health and increase your sperm count, add some almonds to your diet. They’re tasty, packed with protein, and can be used in several ways as a snack or as a topping in desserts.
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